Bits and Pieces.

My Places.
Lingering Dream

Status: Bored and restless.
Watching: Kuroshitsuji II.
Reading: Viewfinder Series by Yamane Ayano.
Currently into: Claude x Alois, Asami x Takaba, Sebastian x Ciel, Charles x Van.


I'm Hilaire and this Blogger account is for my writings, and my e-life in general. My posts will include updates about my fan fictions, my original characters and their profiles, my sudden flashes of genius, my muses, etc.

I'll also make posts about the anime, manga, fan fictions, and all other things that I find particularly interesting.

At present, I'm working as a beta-reader of one of my favorite fics. :D


Friday, November 5, 2010

The Gift of a Friend.

I'm supposed to be in school right now, enrolling myself for the next semester, which will start on the 9th of November. (Yup, it's a Tuesday; and no, I don't know what's up with the crazy let's not have classes on Mondays and start the week on Tuesdays instead thing. Well actually I do, but that's not the point.) I didn't go to school today, or yesterday, because I'm sick. I've a cough, a cold, and a slight fever that cannot make up its mind whether to stay or leave. Seriously.

In my uni we have this computerized enlistment for our subjects. Every student has her own account through which they post our grades (because class cards are sooo last decade). Every scheduled date before the sem starts, we're supposed to enlist ourselves in the subjects we fancy. When the enlistment closes, the uni's computer processes all our accounts, granting classes in absolutely random order, or according to your priority status.

I was granted 16 units, which is 3 units short of the 19 I'm planning to take this sem. This means I still have to prerog - a manual enlistment, if you may. When you manually enlist, you go to the college where the subject you want is, fall in line, and wait for them to enlist your name in the subject. Usually this takes a really long time, and people are practically dieing over the limited slots (hey, they can't enlist a hundred students in one subject, y'know), because not everyone gets the subject they want.

I wasn't able to get the Econ 141 that my friends told me to get during the computerized enlistment, so I was pretty depressed about it. I was not going to go through the nasty lines just to get that subject OH NO. I've been sick since Wednesday evening, and I wasn't going to school on Thursday to prerog. It's just wrong; I might faint or something. I felt pretty bad I couldn't join them, though.

It was then that one of them, Hannah, told me over Facebook that she could do the prerog for me. I was very  surprised by the offer, of course; prerog is really, really no laughing matter! That she'd do it for me was very kind of her! I said "Oh, wow, really? Will you really do it for me? Isn't it too much trouble? Thank you!" or something to that effect. I sent her my form5a, which contains my class schedule (kind of an ID during the prerog. You're supposed to print it, then show it to the person behind the computer so he'd enlist your name).

Yesterday morning she was texting me how long the line for the prerog was. I couldn't do anything about that, so I just sent her text messages every now and then, checking on her and her progress and stuff. I wasn't hopeful; the subject I wanted had only two slots left. It'd be a miracle if I get one of those two.

At about 3 PM she texted me again, abusing the caps lock and raving about how she managed to get me the subject they wanted me to take. I could hardly believe it myself, but well, she pulled it off, and I could just message "Thank you x 1000000!!!" to her. One out of two slots? That's just crazy. Lucky crazy.

It was later that night that I received a message from Marie, another one of my friends and college-mates, telling me I should go today (Friday) to school, because she's holding my form5a. Apparently she went with Hannah during the prerog, which of course means she fell in line,too, for my sake.

When I signed into Facebook I thanked them again, barely able to imagine how much trouble they must have gone through the day for me. And then Hannah told me how much trouble exactly they went through. It was A LOT.

Apparently there were three of them who had to fall in line so I could get that subject. Hannah and Marie left the line at 9:30AM to prerog in a different college, for a Math subject. They left my form5a with Amel, another of one of our friends, who I'm guessing must have also been manually enlisting for a subject himself. Hannah and Marie came back at 1:30PM (gracious, four hours!), only to find that Amel was still in the line!

The details of the whole thing is still not clear to me at this point, but apparently the officer inside the computer lab took my form5a so I could enlist, but since I was not there, he rejected it. Amel, thank goodness for him, told the officer that I was out for some bit, but I'd come back, so I MUST HAVE THAT FRIKKIN' SLOT!
Once Hannah was back she claimed to be me, and asked the officer to give the slot to her (who is now me, and man this is confusing). The slot had supposedly been given to someone else already, but Hannah's persuasion worked, and the officer granted her (me) the slot.

When I heard the whole story I nearly cried, because I was so touched that they really went that far for me. Marie asked me to come today so I could pick up my form5a. Since I'm still sick (and a lazy arse), I asked Jazelle if she could do that for me, to which she said yes. I'm going to school on Monday for the final prerog in another college, where I'll meet up with Jazelle for my form5a.

I'm just so very thankful for my friends, and I thought I'd tell this fancy little story. 

Of Tears and Tempers: a Gakuen Alice fan fiction.

"I'm turning thirty today, Misaki! Thirty! That's three-zero!"
In which Narumi weeps over his thirtieth birthday, and Misaki knocks some sense into his narcissistic little head. Oh, and Persona arrives with a few words of wisdom himself.

Category: Anime/Manga » Gakuen Alice.
Title: Of Tears and Tempers.
Characters: Narumi, Misaki, Persona.
Genre: Drama/General
Rating: K+.
Status: Complete (?)

This was supposed to be a snippet, and it's supposed to be titled Heart. Unfortunately it refused to be concluded - not until it was well past 1000+ words, which is not a snippet anymore. I didn't want to ditch it after taking the time to actually finish it, so I posted it as a one-shot. Besides, Persona needs more love. And fan fictions.

This was prompted by the manga I've been reading, Hana to Akuma (I still insist that Vivi looks a lot like Natsume. A WHOLE FRIKKIN LOT). There was a chapter there about birthdays, which was just funny and random and sweet; I thought I'd write something like it. 

I'm thinking of making this another collection, this time not exclusively about Narumi. I've about a ton of snippet-turned-one-shot that need to be posted out there. And besides it's really fun to mess with Persona and Narumi.

Best part of the fic (at least for me):

"Celebrating old age, Narumi? How interesting. Congratulations on being a step closer to death," Persona said unfeelingly, his cynical smirk as if to remind everyone that he wielded the alice of death.

Yaaay Persona. 

Plums and Lemons » Snippet #11 : Fiction.

A collection of snippets about Narumi.

"And they all lived happily ever after."
"But this book is labeled fiction, Narumi-sensei."
Of reality and fiction, and the line between.

Category: Anime/Manga » Gakuen Alice.
Title: Plums and Lemons » Snippet #11 : Fiction.
Characters: Narumi, OCs Midori and Mizu
Genre: Drama/General
Rating: K+.
Status: Complete.

This snippet was difficult to write, because I'm not as optimistic as Narumi is. I don't like fairytales, and I'm not too fond of what they call happy ever after. I just think they're usually overrated.

The original inspiration for this was Oscar Wilde's play, The Importance of Being Earnest. I was rereading it so I could sleep just a few nights ago, and I think it was Miss Prism who said that "The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." It was somewhat cynical, but it's still true.

Here's a couple of my favorite lines from my own snippet (how terribly narcissistic! LOL).

"No work of fiction, no matter how acclaimed, can capture Life's finest details; and no words, no matter how beautifully phrased, can stir the emotions felt by living Reality itself."

"Unlike in fiction, we don't need magic to get our own happy ever after."

"But what if there's no happy ever after, even after we've gone through so much?"
"Then it's not the end just yet."

I love this snippet. ;)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Plums and Lemons » Snippet #10 : Gift.

Inspired by Demi Lovato's Gift of a Friend (it's wonderful, I swear it!). Dedicated to Cara and Juliette. :)

A collection of snippets about Narumi.

Only one so naïve wouldn't realize that every gift came with strings.

Category: Anime/Manga » Gakuen Alice.
Title: Plums and Lemons » Snippet #10 : Gift.
Characters: Narumi, Misaki
Genre: Friendship/Drama.
Rating: K+.
Status: Complete.

Because we all know that the best gift we can ever receive is friendship. :)

This snippet contains allusion to Azure Yacht (that lovely restaurant from The Game of Let's Pretend) - it's where Misaki is celebrating his 21st birthday. I've also given bits of my interpretation of Misaki's life, including how he feels about his parents' business associates and the party which had been arranged for him.

I don't know how the manga illustrates Misaki's life outside the Academy, if it does. Please overlook any inconsistency, as all interpretation of Misaki in this snippet are mine.

Plums and Lemons » Snippet #09 : Surprise.

Because I wanted to post something on my birthday last September 11. Yaaay. :)

A collection of snippets about Narumi.

Because nothing can ever surprise Narumi. Or so he says.

Category: Anime/Manga » Gakuen Alice.
Title: Plums and Lemons » Snippet #09 : Surprise.
Characters: Narumi, Misaki
Genre: Humor.
Rating: K+.
Status: Complete.

'Probably the silliest snippet I've ever written. Oh, well; that's the fun part! :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Plums and Lemons » Snippet #08 : Promise.

I was so inspired to write that I finished this in my scratch paper.

A collection of snippets about Narumi.

Narumi didn't make a promise he didn't intend to keep.

Category: Anime/Manga » Gakuen Alice.
Title: Plums and Lemons » Snippet #08 : Promise.
Characters: Narumi, and a young lady of sixteen.
Genre: General.
Rating: K+.
Status: Complete.

For the record, the young lady is not Yuka, or whoever that person everyone keeps talking about in their reviews. Let's be clear: I don't read the manga, so I can't make allusions to that.

For those who are curious, I was thinking only one character while writing, and that's the same character in my Mischief Equals Mayhem. (I mentioned specifics, like the color of the eyes. as well as the six-year age gap.) Although, I'm giving everyone the liberty to imagine the young woman to be whoever they want. Hey, we don't know what happened to Narumi at twenty-two, do we? (Or at least I don't, haha; I don't know what the manga says about it, if it does.)

Regardless, who she is ain't the point; the promise and Narumi's mind-set about it is.

I simply don't think Narumi is one who breaks promises, or even makes those he can't keep. Because he's awesome like that.

Plums and Lemons » Snippet #07 : Truth.

'Probably the most controversial snippet ever.

A collection of snippets about Narumi.

"You punched Narumi-sensei in the face?" Hotaru asked.
Natsume huffed. "He deserved it."

Category: Anime/Manga » Gakuen Alice.
Title: Plums and Lemons » Snippet #07 : Truth.
Characters: Natsume, Hotaru, and a mention of Narumi.
Genre: Humor.
Rating: K+.
Status: Complete.

This needed to be written, after the responses for the previous one. ;)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Misaki-centric Fan Fiction, Anyone?

Two months ago, I posted Catching the Sands of Time, my Noda-centric fan fiction. In her review for this, my dearest YinYang Equinox had innocently suggested for me to write a Misaki-centric fan fiction as well. I had absolutely no intention of answering to this suggestion, even saying,

"Nah, I'm not too interested in Misaki. His alice is quite boring, and I'm not entirely sure how to interpret what kind of past or present or future he had/has/will have."

But then inspiration struck, and despite myself I actually easily came up with a plot for what Laika exactly asked for: a Misaki-centric, multi-chaptered fan fiction.

As far as I’ve outlined, I can only assure everyone that it will be an interesting take on Misaki’s character. An entirely different perspective, I daresay. And yes, it will be sinful, scandalous, and oh! deliciously wicked - enough to make you giggle like a schoolgirl. I'm very excited for this, and I hope to find the time soon to start working on this.

Just author alert me if you’re interested. ;)

Plums and Lemons » Snippet #06 : Improbable.

Because I pulled through my exams just fine! *happy dance*

A collection of snippets about Narumi.

“I just called him a spineless wimp. He didn’t have to be so violent.” 
Misaki sighed. “And you wonder why Natsume Hyuuga tried to kill you.”

Category: Anime/Manga » Gakuen Alice.
Title: Plums and Lemons » Snippet #06 : Improbable.
Characters: Narumi, Misaki, with the special participation of a certain flame caster.
Genre: Humor.
Rating: K+.
Status: Complete.
I really, truly believe that Narumi would be the only one person who would ever dare to call Natsume a spineless wimp to his face. Admit it; Natsume can be such a wimp most times. :D

Plums and Lemons » Snippet #05 : Cunning.

I should really stop posting snippets when I have exams each and every day of the week. Psh.

A collection of snippets about Narumi.

Because Narumi has his ways of making Misaki do all the work.

Category: Anime/Manga » Gakuen Alice.
Title: Plums and Lemons » Snippet #05 : Cunning.
Characters: Narumi, Misaki.
Genre: Humor.
Rating: K+.
Status: Complete.
It's the lamest thing ever, I know, hahaha. I was going to include this in one of the TGOLP chapters, but, uh, well. I forgot. So I decided it would have its place in my snippet collection instead. =P

Plums and Lemons » Snippet #04 : Eternity.

'Felt the urge to post something.

A collection of snippets about Narumi.

You don't anger the class Narumi belongs to.

Category: Anime/Manga » Gakuen Alice.
Title: Plums and Lemons » Snippet #04 : Eternity.
Characters: Narumi.
Genre: General.
Rating: K+.
Status: Complete.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Plums and Lemons » Snippet #03 : Alice.

So I was supposed to be writing the 11th chapter of Mischief Equals Mayhem, but I got distracted, which is nothing new. I wrote another Narumi snippet instead.

A collection of snippets about Narumi.

"Won't they drown in that?" Narumi asked curiously.
Misaki rolled his eyes. "I have the plant alice here, Narumi."

Category: Anime/Manga » Gakuen Alice.
Title: Plums and Lemons » Snippet #03 : Alice.
Characters: Narumi, Misaki.
Genre: Humor.
Rating: K+.
Status: Complete.

It's basically a spin-off of the first part of the 11th chapter of Mischief Equals Mayhem, my other on-going Narumi fic.

Well that's about it, because I really don't have much to say. When I write snippets, it's either because I had too much sugar (and therefore giddy and skippy), or I feel boring (not bored, but boring), or I'm sleepy, or I don't feel like talking to people. The last three apply this time, so yeah.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Catching the Sands of Time: a Gakuen Alice fan fiction.

After being held off by my shopping spree for my friend's party (and the party itself!), my new Gakuen Alice fan fiction is finally up! It's muti-chaptered, and it's all about Noda! Clueless and adorable Noda, the teacher of Special Ability Class. Woot!

The young woman stared at Noda, wide-eyed. “It’s you! The pervert who was in my bathroom!” 
Pre-anime series. Set 15 years earlier. Noda-centric.

Fandom: Gakuen Alice.
Title: Catching the Sands of Time.
Characters: Noda, OCs.
Genre: Friendship/Drama.
Rating: T.
Chapter(s): 1.
Status: In-progress.

Like it says right there, the story takes place fifteen years before the anime. And yes, I will hurt you if you dare speak of the Gakuen Alice manga in my presence. Please overlook any inconsistencies with the manga, as I’ve never and haven’t the faintest intention of reading it.

I came up with the idea for this story three years ago (yeah I take my time), and even told everyone reading my Narumi fic about it right here. The original idea was for Kazuhara Shizue (pronounced shee-zoo-eh) to be a new teacher in the Academy, but ditched the thought when I realized it would be more fun to write about Noda and all other Alice Academy teachers as students.

Since I'm not following the manga, I've taken the liberty to create original characters (OCs) to fill in several roles for my story. As far as I've sketched, there will only be three in this fic, although I might alter that if the necessity arises.  Of course, I'm not forgetting about the canon characters like Narumi, Misaki, et al, and they will surely receive their own due frames in the next chapters. In the first chapter I successfully squeezed in bits of Jinno and Misaki, and I had fun writing them out. It's rather difficult at first, since I'm being very careful about keeping them young and in-character. But, I definitely enjoyed it. Character development FTW!

I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the idea of time traveling, especially since Noda defies my beloved Physics by his ability to travel back  to the past. There’s also the question of time paradoxes, which I’m doing a research about. Likewise, I'm rereading Michael Crichton’s Timeline for reference. Hopefully it won’t be necessary to elaborate and be too technical about Noda's alice, but just in case.

I’m proud to say that I’m the first person in the GAFFN archive to write a Noda-centric story. I’ve always wanted to write about him, and I feel really great about publishing this. Hurrah!

Do read and review, everyone! I'd love to know what you think!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

100-Question Survey for Slam Dunk Fans.

'Stolen from the journal of my Slam Dunk Club in Deviantart. This took quite some time, but I figured it should be fun.

#001 your name (nick name)?
#002 Your URL?
#003 Your Gender?
#004 Your age?
As young as can be.
#005 What time did you meet SD for the first time?
When I was… ten, I think.
#006 How did you know about SD ?
I saw it on Animax, and hated Hanamichi Sakuragi at first sight. (He looked like Kuwabara from Yu Yu Hakusho!) But the local network showed a dubbed version of it, and I found myself changing my mind about it. And Hanamichi.
#007 what’s your favorite male character?
Hanamichi Sakuragi, of course!
#008 reason for #007?
He doesn’t fail to make me laugh. His silly antics more than make my day.
#009 favorite female character?
There are female characters in Slam Dunk? Oh yeah… well Ayako, I guess.
#010 reason for #009?
She’s energetic and doesn’t hesitate to hit anyone with her paper fan.

#011 essential character (except #007 and #009)?
Kaede Rukawa.
#012 why?
I always crack up when he’s shown sleeping in class, or when he’s always expressionless and casual when he calls Hanamichi an idiot.
#013 favorite minor character?
Kiyota Nobunaga.
#014: why?
He’s as stupid as Hanamichi, which is just hilarious.
#015 favorite team?
Definitely Shohoku!
#016 Why?
Because of Hanamichi! And there’s Coach Anzai, too!
#017 your favorite line and the character who said that?
It was in the manga when Coach Anzai finally said something about Hanamichi being a basketball prodigy, as Rukawa is. I forget how it was phrased exactly, but I like it immensely.
#018 Why?
Because Coach Anzai finally said it! I know that everyone who watches the series already knows this fact, but that a most respected coach like Coach Anzai says it is just awesome.
#019 favorite scene?
When Hanamichi made the final shot that made them win against Sannoh, the top basketball team in Japan.
#020 why?
I thought it was just perfect that he would be the one to lead them to victory. I’ve always known he’s a genius! Hahaha!

#021 impressive scene?
When Hanamichi shows them something completely amazing that even they begin doubting that he’s an idiot at basketball. (Though, it takes him a lot of tries before getting it right, haha.)
#022 Why?
I see how Hanamichi’s character develops, and how he goes through the learning process to be the best he can be. And his arrogance is just hilarious.
#023 tearful scene?
Hanamichi’s first game against Ryonan, and they lost.
#024 Why?
I thought it was perfectly convincing that Hanamichi cried over it. He’s this childish, amateur player who’s always been very arrogant and so sure of himself and what he can do, and to have him being confronted by the fact that there are other players much, much better than him is such an efficient prompt for him to get to his feet and try to best them.
#025 favorite coach?
Definitely Coach Anzai!
#026 favorite comic cover?
…I don’t know.
#027favorite basketball uniform?
Shoyo’s. It looks neat. I also like Shohoku's white uniform.
#028best basketball shooting scene?
Whenever Hanamichi shoots – whether he misses or hits.
#029 best game?
Shohoku vs. Kainan.
#030 dream team members?
Hanamichi Sakuragi, Kaede Rukawa, Kiyota Nobunaga, Shinichi Maki, Soichiro Jin.

#031 MVP player for you?
Either Hanamichi Sakuragi or Kaede Rukawa.
#032 who do you think is gluttonous ?
Hanamichi Sakuragi. I think they showed that in the anime.
#033 do you think who may be drinker?
Soichiro Jin. (Did I just say that? Yes, I did. Hey, you never know.)
#034 do you think who's savage when being angry?
Kaede Rukawa.
#035 do you think who's easily moved to tears?
Ryota Miyagi. He looked pretty funny when he and Hanamichi cried over their, eh, lost loves, hahaha.
#036 do you think who behaves like a baby?
Kiyota Nobunaga. Undoubtedly.
#037 Who's well-bred?
Shinichi Maki.
#038 who's clever?
Kenji Fujima.
#039 Who's good-natured?
Akira Sendoh. Too good-natured, actually; do you remember the instance Hanamichi almost crushed his hand in a handshake. That was fun.
#040: Who do you think will be a good father in the future ?
Akira Sendoh. He’s a nice guy.

#041 Who fits in a women dress?
Takenori Akagi? No, wait, Uozumi, maybe? Hahaha!
#042 Who sings well?
Kiminobu Kogure. Hahaha!
#043 With whom do you want to make friendship?
Hanamichi Sakuragi, Kaede Rukawa, Shinichi Maki, Kiyota Nobunaga.
#044 With whom don't you want to make friendship?
That unimportant school newspaper reporter who ended up fangirling over Rukawa. I don’t know what her name is, but I dislike her immensely.
#045: You want to be in love with ?
I’d rather have them as friends or brothers.
#046: You want to marry?
Like I said, I’d rather have them as friends or brothers.
#047: be a brother or a sister to..?
Shinichi Maki. He looks like a brother material to me. (:
#048 best friends couple?
Hanamichi Sakuragi and Kaede Rukawa; Hanamichi Sakuragi and Kiyota Nobunaga.
#049 no looking high school student?
Shinichi Maki. Hahaha! Hanamichi teased the hell out of him for that!
#050 either "Hanamichi giving a pass to Takasago" or "punched and bloodied Rukawa" you don’t want to see ?
Oh my God, who the hell is Takasago? Is that a nobody character? I guess I’d rather not see either.

#051 what does "Hanamichi" remind you of?
Basketball? Haha. And the word genius.
#052 "Rukawa" reminds you of?
A cat. And how boring school can be sometimes.
#053 "Akagi" reminds you of?
A monkey? No offense, really.
#054 "Mitsui" reminds you of?
My dentist. Eh.
#055 "Miyagi" reminds you of?
A best friend.
#056 Either Kogure or Youhei is analytic?
Youhei, definitely.
#057 Either Rukawa or Mitsui is egocentric ?
Rukawa! Hahaha!
#058 Either Hanamichi or Yohei will win a fight ?
They both will.
#059 Surprising is either "Mitsui who isn't disadvantaged with the gap in his career" or "Hanamichi who play the bascketball only for 3 months"?
Mitsui is more surprising. As we all know, Hanamichi is a genius.
#060 your fave is either Hanamichi or Rukawa?
Hanamichi. But I like Rukawa, too.

#061 your fave is either Haruko or Ayako?
Ayako, hands down.
#062 who’s stronger Sawakita or Sendoh ?
Sawakita, as it would seem. Though I like Sendoh better.
#063 Either Mitsui's shooting or Jin's is more accurate?
I like Jin better, so it must be Jin!
#064 you often forget the one of Takamiya, Noma or Okusu of Sakuragi-gundan?
Noma and Okusu. I think Okusu looks like an old guy, no?
#065 you often forget the one of Kakuta, siozaki, Yasuda, Sasaoka or Kuwata of Shohoku team?
Of those mentioned, I only know Yasuda…
#066 3years later who wins? Hanamichi VS Rukawa VS Sendoh VS Sawakita?
Sakuragi. He will own them!
#067 3 years later Hanamichi and Haruko will be pair?
Nooo. Just no. Haruko is too obsessed with Rukawa.
#068 3 years later Ayako and Ryota will be pair?
Haha, definitely!
#069 Hanamichi's family structure?
He and his father. At least that’s what they showed in the anime.
#070 Rukawa's family structure?
He, his mother and a younger sister. I’m just guessing.

#071 Which team do you want to play with?
#072 Which team manager do you want to become?
Shohoku – if only to behold Hanamichi’s blunders and triumphs. Oh yeah.
#073 Which school do you want to commute with?
Again, Shohoku.
#074 What nickname does Hanamichi give you?
The Hanamichi Fangirl. Hahaha!
#075 Which type are you? Whom are you like?
Maybe Ayako. I like ordering people around.
#076 Are there anyone like SD character’s around you?
A lot of people like Kaede Rukawa.
#077: what come to your mind when you hear the word Basketball other than Slam Dunk?
Hanamichi Sakuragi… and Hanamichi.
#078 had you been reading SD running in Syuukan Syonen Jump in '90~'96?
What is that?
#079 Do you have the comics?
#080 Do you have Kanzen-ban comics (special Japanese)?

#081: how many times have you read the manga ?
Just once.
#082 Have you watch the anime?
#083 Do you have any "the scecret of SD"series books?
#084 Do you have any SD goods?
#085 Have you read "Vagabond"?
#086 Have you read "Miyamoto Musashi" by Eiji Yoshikawa?
#087 Have you read "Real"?
#088 Have you read "Chameleon Jail"?
No. What is that? What are all these things? *is lost*
#089 Have you seen NBA games? Fave team?
I’ve seen the games; I don’t really care much for the teams.
#090 Were you interested in basketball games before meeting SD?
Nope. I never was, until Slam Dunk. This makes it even more awesome, since it got me interested in basketball. Hurrah.

#091 Do you wanna have a trip to see SD related spot?
I'm not totally interested, since I won't see the Slam Dunk characters there anyway.
#092 where do you find Inoue-sensei's genius in ?
In all of Slam Dunk.
#093 Hanamichi should be the main character on SD part2, too?
There’s a second part?! Whoa. He definitely should be!
#094 Who should appear on SD part 2?
Hanamichi, Rukawa, Maki, Kiyota, Jin… and all of my favorite characters.
#095 Who VS who do you want to read on part 2?
Hanamichi vs. Rukawa.
#096 Do you wanna see part 2?
Yes! Of course!
#097 Do you think SD part 2 will start? If so, when will it start?
I have no idea. But it should start very, VERY soon.
#098 either SD or Vagabond is your fave?
Obviously SD. I don’t even know what Vagabond is.
#099 any comments to Inoue-sensei?
You are a genius. Thank you for creating Hanamichi Sakuragi and Slam Dunk in all of their wonderful glory.
#100 Please tell how much you love SD.
I love Slam Dunk more than I can possibly ever say. That is all.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hanatsuki Hime.

I was browsing through the forums of CGFFN when I chanced upon the LelouchC.C. forums. One of their topics include anime/manga recommendations, which I thought I'd give a try (CGFFN is an intelligent fandom, no questions asked). Someone mentioned Hanatsuki Hime, and how it resembles Code Geass in such a way that it's also mainly about a contract between two people. While in Code Geass it's between a witch and a human being, in Hanatsuki Hime it's between a demon and a human being. 

Lys Lily
I've finished the first chapter of the first volume, and I have to say it's definitely promising. Lys Lily is quite a character; none too perfect or complex, but interesting enough to keep me reading. I love the flower seal on her chest; it looks so very cryptic. 


Siva, whom as they say is "drool-worthy", is Lys' companion, and I can honestly say I agree about the drool-worthy part, hahaha.

I'm just saddened by the fact that the manga has only two volumes; I wish it could have been longer. I just love the storyline.

If you want to download the scans, you can go here: Aerandia.Net : Hanatsuki Hime. If you'd just like to read online, drop by here: Onemanga : Hanatsuki Hime.

Don't hesitate to drop me a comment about the manga and its story; I'd love to know if you like it as well. But give no spoilers, please; I still can't finish it until after my  major exams!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Odds and Ends » Snippet #02 : Courage.

Schoolwork can really be so inspiring, especially when it comes to writing fan fictions. A couple of nights ago I had this sudden flash of inspiration, partly because of Facebook and partly because of my exam yesterday. Before finishing my paper for Creative Writing class (which took more than five hours and nineteen frickin’ pages), I made an off the cuff decision to write the idea I had in mind.

It took only five minutes, and what turned out was a 600-word snippet about Narumi yet again. Since it’s painfully short and almost pointless, I decided to post it as a second part of my first Narumi-centric snippet, Oversleep. I changed its title to Odds and Ends.

Odds and Ends is a collection of snippets about Narumi and his awesomeness. Painfully short, random, and mostly pointless, everything I post for the collection will be written in five (or ten) minutes or less, like it says right there. *points below* If it takes more than that, I’ll scrap it.

Bite-sized pieces of Narumi’s awesomeness.
(Written in five minutes or less.)

“It took you ONE minute to answer the essay and you get a higher grade than I do?” Misaki snapped as he glared at Narumi. “Let me see your paper!”

Category: Anime/Manga » Gakuen Alice.
Title: Odds and Ends » Snippet #02 : Courage
Characters: Narumi, Misaki
Genre: Humor.
Rating: K+.
Status: Complete.

I didn’t mention what class exactly it is in the snippet, but let me assure you that it's definitely not English. Because if it were English or any sort of writing class, Narumi would have been so dead with his essay, haha.

Just this Wednesday I had quite the same experience, when I took my exam. (These are bonus questions, okay?)

Q: Is ‘balut’ egg or meat? Justify your answer.
My answer: Uh, egg? Because it’s inside an EGGshell?

I was so headdesk after the exam. Haha!

Q: About how many stones does the sculpture blah blah stand on?
My classmate's answer: 1k, where k is the constant that represents the number of stones that the sculpture stands on.

Pure win! :D

Eh, going back to Odds and Ends. I’m not certain how many snippets I’ll post, since I will write only when inspiration strikes. Just the same, add it to your story alert if you're interested.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First is First.

Oh my gosh. I still can’t believe it, but yes, I did win the Death Note review contest on Deviantart! I snagged the FIRST prize, too! Hurrah! *happy dance*

Now I shall gloat about the wonderful prizes I’m receiving! My work is being is featured in several journals in Deviantart, including the journal of the Death Note group, the group administrator, the founder of Project Comment, and the dA super group Project Comment. And, they’re also putting my work in the About Us section of the group. Sweet!

Ah, but it doesn’t stop there! The prize donators are giving me a vector of a real Death Note sticker for my dA profile, a Death Note piece of my preference (I still don’t know what to ask for!), and a fanart of a single character from any anime/manga I like. I tell you, it’s awesome.

Many thanks to everyone who read and/or voted; I greatly appreciate it! It’s really a fantastic feeling to accomplish something like this with my first deviation. Thank you! ♥

Monday, March 8, 2010

Code Geass Turn 25: Re.

I’m still a bit lost and confused, but I know one thing true: Code Geass is genius. Lelouch vi Britannia is one of the most amazing characters I’ve ever seen in anime. He equals Light Yagami in my heart. ♥ 

The final turn had me crying for almost thirty minutes there, and, well, I haven’t cried that much in a long time. Or over the ending of an anime. (Had to keep the tears when Light Yagami died in Death Note [but I still cried!], because my sister was watching with me and I feel kind of stupid crying when someone can see and it’s over anime.)

In the beginning I seriously wanted to bitchslap Nunnally. The girl is absolutely annoying; she was just there being her fragile, naïve self and she made things a whole lot more difficult for her brother. I didn’t appreciate her speech, and I was just too happy when Lelouch finally used his Geass on her.

Can I just say that Suzaku’s fake death had me stomping my feet on the floor? He died at such a crucial time, the bastard. But, I loved the face-off between him and Kallen, and I swear I was rooting for him and his Lancelot Albion.

C.C. was crying for Lelouch, ah, that surprised me, and made me think of how much she’s more of a human being now, after her contract with him.

For most part I wanted to strangle Lelouch for pulling off something as crazy as… being killed by Suzaku, who turned out to be alive. He could have just continued being the emperor – uh, dictator! – of the whole world and no one could have done anything about it! I (and the rest of everyone who adores him) wouldn’t have minded him as the world dictator! Well maybe we would have… but that’s not the point! That final, selfless act made him an even more interesting and delightful character to watch. Dammit, can anyone else be more endearing?

The ending was wonderful – one of the finest – all right, the finest I've ever seen.

What I like most about the conclusion is that it’s pretty vague. In the last scene we see C.C. traveling on a farmer’s cart, driven by n nameless, disguised person. A lot of people, as I’ve read so far, are convinced that this person is Lelouch, who is now immortal.

I’ve decided to consider this theory myself, and I’ve drawn several points from the previous episodes to corroborate this.

1. The Code is the power of immortality. C.C. acquired it when it was transferred to her by the nun who granted her the Geass when she was younger. Emperor Charles got his own Code from V.V.

2. The Code is only activated when its receiver dies. Once acquired, the Code vanquishes the Geass of the receiver, but makes the receiver immortal and a contractor of the Geass instead. This is shown when C.C. is killed by the nun after said nun transfers the Code to her. C.C. lives on, but is no longer in possession of the Geass.

Likewise, V.V.’s Code was transferred to Charles and was activated when Charles shot himself (as commanded by Lelouch) in the twenty-first turn of R2.

3. Charles’ Code was transferred to Lelouch (who by this time had a fully evolved Geass, which is required to acquire the Code) while the Emperor was strangling him in the twenty-first turn of R2. This transferred Code is inactivated.

Proof of the transfer of ownership is that the Geass of the emperor still works on Anya and Nunnally after he dies. When the Code is lost, the Geass vanishes with it. But since Lelouch is now in possession of the Code, the Geass still works on Anya and Nunnally.

4. Lelouch maintains his ownership of the Geass for two possible reasons:

One is because he did not get the Code and the Geass from the same contractor. The Code came from Charles, while the Geass came from C.C.

Two is because the Geass remains with the person as long as his Code is inactivated.


It’s actually a very interesting theory, since it also highlights the title of the series: Code Geass. Lelouch was able to possess the Code and the Geass at the same time. It’s very convincing and logical, considering it’s Lelouch who pulls it off and outsmarts the whole world yet again.

Following this, Lelouch must be the one who drives the cart in the last scene of the final turn. He’s now immortal and travels alongside C.C. in the same world that he had destroyed and created.

“The power of kings, known as Geass, brings one solitude.
Not quite accurate is it? Right, Lelouch?”
Lelouch♥C.C. to the very end.

All hail Lelouch. Code Geass is genius.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Code Geass R2 Turn 24: The Grip of Damocles.

Oh, but I absolutely love this turn! We get to see Lelouch’s genius at play again! Hooray! I didn’t think Schneizel would be Geassed, but that was a good twist! Schneizel got pwned, oh yeah. Not beats that.

And I still like – okay, love Suzaku at this point. I just hope he keeps that up until the end. His character is already bad enough without pulling off another betrayal. And, for the first time, I hope he will pwn Kallen and Gino – those two are getting on my nerves. Seriously. And Kallen interrupted the LelouchC.C. moment! Damn you; who the hell do you think you are???

The suspense is killing me, but I’ll finish the series tomorrow. I have a feeling that the ending will make me cry, and I don’t want anyone disturbing me in the middle of that. (Plus, I badly need to buy some chips to munch on while I watch.)

I haaaaate Nunnally! Hate her with burning passion! She should die, that stupid bitch. Someone please kill her. For me and Lelouch and the happiness of everyone who loves Code Geass.

Code Geass R2 Turn 23: Schneizel's Mask.

Yes! Finally! I thought Lelouch would falter again just because they showed him Nunnally! Well hah! He showed them! And thank gracious for Suzaku! For once in his life he said something right! It was intense, and for the first time in my life I think I actually love Suzaku in this one! Hurrah! (But only in this one. I still hate him in general. And he looks horrible wearing that cape thing.)

I have no idea why Nunnally is alive. She doesn’t have a purpose anymore; anyone can frickin’ detonate the Fleia anyway. I don’t understand why she sides with Schneizel instead of Lelouch, the brother who has always been with her. She’s another big hypocrite; she doesn’t like killing people and yet she’s okay with killing her own brother. Isn’t there something obviously wrong in her logic? And don’t I remember her having a special technique of holding people’s hands and determining whether they’re lying to her or not through this? Why didn’t she do this to determine if Schneizel was lying to her or not about the Fleia and the Pendragon incident? Gosh, what an idiot.

Just drop dead, Nunnally. You are such a bother.

Here’s another first: I actually like Nina in this turn! Finally, she realized her stupid blunder and got to work and start doing something about the Fleia! I just hope she manages to come up with something to counter that very very dangerous weapon.

For the record, fuck the Black Knights. I hate them with passion for being idiots. Big frickin’ idiots at that. They don’t realize that if it weren’t for Zero/Lelouch, they never would have been organized the way they are right now. Kallen is earning my dislike, although none too much, and I just hate how Gino chose the side against Suzaku in this. (Did I just say that? Shoot.)

What I like most about this turn is how the people who were once Lelouch’s enemies are now his allies (Lloyd, Cecile, Nina, Jeremiah, Suzaku, etc) while those who used to be his allies are now his enemies (Kallen, Rakshata, Xingke, the Black Knights, etc). I find myself cheering for these new allies while disliking the Black Knights more and more.

I love how the LelouchC.C. pairing is developing; I’ve always been a fan of it, and I love that C.C. is the only one who is with Lelouch to the end. They really make a very beautiful pair.

I love pun: Knight of Zero. Knight of Seven, Knight of One, and above all of it is the Knight of Zero. Absolutely genius. If they had been gunning for that since the very beginning of the series, well they pulled it off really well. I find it very clever.

Code Geass R2 Turn 22: Emperor Lelouch.

Can I just say that Lelouch looks so damn hot as the emperor? He looks fabulous being so smugly in command. I just have to squee. Yay.

Lloyd is now working under Lelouch, too! I like that very much; nothing beats having those two in one place. Lloyd is still funny as hell, and nothing seems to have changed his cheerful attitude. Jeremiah is still loyal to the emperor as well, which is rad; Lelouch needs all the allies he can have, despite his absolute power. And, I’ve grown to really like Jeremiah.

Suzaku sure is a smooth talker; he actually shattered Gino’s conviction! Just for the record, I see potential in Gino, and I hope he’ll switch sides soon. Like, yeah.

I love how C.C. is the only one with Lelouch when he goes to participate in this, uh, democracy. (Duuude, voting like that is a practice of oligarchy; not democracy. In the practice of democracy, people draw lots, in the assumption that everyone is fit to rule or whatever. Let’s get that fact straight, shall we?)

Lelouch is aiming for a world dictatorship! Brazen move, but I like it! I can’t believe Xingke says Lelouch has become the enemy of the world; I’m sure a lot of people still support him! Like, me, hahaha! He’s done good things, too, have they forgotten that already?

Screw you, Nunnally; why couldn’t you have just died and not be a nuisance to your brother? What’s Schneizel talking about; Nunnally as the emperor? Is he stupid? That’s the most ridiculous idea I’ve ever heard! It’s disgusting, really; Nunnally is now twenty times as annoying as Euphemia had been. I wish Rolo were back; at least he’d be perfectly supportive and loyal to his brother.

Rolo pwns Nunnally. ‘Nuff said.

Code Geass R2 Turn 21: The Ragnarok Connection.

First of all, let me say this:

All hail Lelouch!

This turn is just mad! Finally the truth about Marianne’s death and Charles’ researches has finally been revealed! I am… speechless from all the twists of the plot, and I admit I had to pause and read the subtitles twice or thrice so I could really grasp what the hell was going on. It’s just crazy.

I don’t know what to make of Charles’ and Marianne’s plans as well, but it’s incredible. So they wanted to kill the gods (the collective unconsciousness, apparently) and stop time. That’s so cool. And mad. I realize I don’t like Marianne as a mother; she’s too carefree and uncaring for her children. Charles isn’t so great either; although I appreciate that that he sent Lelouch and Nunnally away to protect them from V.V. And I do like how Marianne and Charles love and care for each other; that is genuinely touching.

The last five minutes of the turn is just fabulous; Lelouch’s appearance is awesome, and I’ve nothing to say but hooray for the 99th Emperor of Britannia! Emperor Lelouch vi Britannia has a very nice ring to it; I don’t know how anyone can disagree.

Suzaku Kururugi – I have no idea how I’ll understand this person. One moment he’s Lelouch’s enemy; the next minute he’s Lelouch’s knight and best friend. Like, what? Make up your mind, bastard. I still don’t like him too much; he betrays everyone too often, and there’s danger in traitors like him.

Schneizel is annoying the hell out of me. ‘Can’t he be killed or something? It’s obvious he wants to be emperor himself. Answer is: NO WAY. And why is Diethard with him? That other traitor.

All hail Lelouch!

Code Geass R2 Turn 20: Emperor Dismissed.

I'm surprised by the twist about Anya; I didn't really expect for her to be controlled by Marianne. Of course Suzaku is still an arse for trying to get a position for himself by sacrificing everyone around him. Truly, will this series of betrayal from him ever stop? He's getting boring and more hateful as the series progresses.

Lelouch trapped with his father. Eh. I wonder how he'll ever escape from the World of C.

Code Geass R2 Turn 19: The Betrayal.

Oh my God I'm crying! I'm really, truly crying over the death of Rolo! The poor kid just had to die saving the brother he had always believed in! Why did it have to be like that?! He loved Lelouch very much, too! I don't even care if he killed Shirley, whom I never really sympathized with; he shouldn't have died! No! I like him! I like him much, much more than I can possibly like Nunnally!

And it's just *wrong* that everyone is now turning against Zero because he turns out to be a Britannian prince! Aren't they just being racist now? It's so unfair on his part; he made them win their battles! The nerve to betray him! Don't they know that it's a GIVEN that people are sacrificed in combat? I can't believe that these same people go to war and yet can't accept that some of their people *have* to die. It's unbelievable; the hypocrisy astounds me. They think it's unjust that Zero Geassed and killed their comrades and yet they don't see anything wrong in killing him or giving him to the Britannians that he has waged war against! All they care about is that they get their country back; they can hardly care less what happens to the person who, from the very beginning, has done so much for them. They couldn't have even accomplished ANYTHING without Lelouch's help! I'm SO infuriated by all that's happening, dammit.

Kallen is the sweetest; I'm so happy she trusts Lelouch to the end. (Lelouch just had to be an arse and tell her another bunch of lies. Someone knock some sense into his head already. It's bad for his reputation to be such a liar, especially when the truth will help him out of the mess he’s in.) And C.C.! What will happen to C.C. now? I wish she were still her cool, nonchalant self; she surely would have helped Lelouch out at such a crucial time like this! Nice timing, memory loss.

I've absolutely lost respect for Toudou and Ohgi and Tamaki and Diethard and the other characters whose name aren't worth remembering. Naive fools; they only care about themselves and their own gains. The nerve. Screw them. They can just drop dead; the Japanese don't deserve to be led by traitors like themselves.

Hell, Code Geass is genius.

But, I still think Rolo shouldn't have died. He didn't deserve it. (Now let me join the fanlisting for him. )

Code Geass R2 Turn 18: The Second Decisive Battle of Tokyo.

Is it wrong if I say that I was cheering for Rolo to kill Nunally already? I used to feel okay with the girl, but then she has always proved herself a nuisance to Lelouch, and she needs to be out of the way for good. Yes, I'm all for Rolo as Lelouch's sibling; at least he has some use and is actually aware of what's happening outside fairytales.

Code Geass R2 Turn 17: The Taste of Humiliation.

I am enraged. ENRAGED! I cannot believe Suzaku dared step on Lelouch's head! The impertinence! Just who the hell does he think he is? You don't EVER do that to Lelouch! And in the first place why did Lelouch kneel before him? Suzaku is so not worth it!

And what's with the half-arsed explanation from Lelouch? You're given the time to explain, Lelouch; the least you can do is use it wisely! Okay, maybe just the Shirley part, since the thing with Euphemia accidentally being Geassed will sound totally wrong.

Schneizel is annoying me. Okay, I just don't like him. Aside from the fact that his name is hard to spell (I confuse the letters, dammit), his calm is just aggravating.

And, I really hope Cornelia will switch sides soon, together with Guilford (does anyone know his first name? Because I don't). She'll be a fine addition to the Knightmare pilots. And it will be epic, if she battles against her own brother Schneizel (dammit; the spelling is driving me nuts!).

Code Geass R2 Turn 16: United Federation of Unions Resolution Number One.

Sooo it's finally confirmed. C.C.'s bleeding, and it's not healing like it should; it means she's mortal now. Will she ever return to being her cool, detached self? I like her whichever personality she has, but she's more of help to Lelouch if she's like she was before. (But, she was really adorable here.)

I loved the first part of the turn; it was hilarious. And that was a pretty crazy request from Lelouch, too. He really shouldn't be asking those of someone who's just lost her memories!

Hooray for Kallen kicking Suzaku's butt! Hah, that traitor deserves it! It's good someone's finally beating the hell out of him! Yay!

Won't Cornelia join forces with Lelouch? After all, I doubt she likes the emperor that much either... And Orange, err, Jeremiah is awesome. I thought I'd hate him for the rest of the series, but I must say his character is progressing very nicely! It's a good thing he's finally on Lelouch's side now.

XingkeTianzi still owns me.

Code Geass R2 Turn 15: The World of C.

How do you get rid of immortal people? Damn, Lelouch is in big trouble.

I like this turn immensely; C.C.'s past and her exact connection with the Geass are finally revealed. I have no idea what has happened to her by the end of the turn, but it's obvious she has lost her memories. I just wonder if she also lost her immortality; it certainly seems so, since she doesn't have the symbol of Geass on her forehead anymore. Curious, curious.

Now I'm completely, totally, absolutely for LelouchC.C., and nothing can change my mind.

On another note, Nunnally has some spine! Great to see her assert herself for once; she's usually just, well, helpless where she is despite being the governor of Area 11.

Code Geass R2 Turn 14: Geass Hunt.

Suzaku is getting worse and worse. Honestly, the use of Refrain is just too low, even for someone like himself. I thought that was a bit too dramatic, and I didn't appreciate it.

I like how the plot thickens, especially with V.V. playing a rather big part in the episode. I just really don't like Suzaku at this point. Lelouch should definitely find a way to get rid of him soon.

Code Geass R2 Turn 13: Assassin from the Past.

Jeremiah has finally joined Lelouch! Yay! With a Geass nullifier at Lelouch's disposal, he's at the best position to take down anyone - including the emperor himself! Hah!

Rolo killed Shirley. Eh. Not that I liked her or anything, so I feel nothing about it.

Code Geass R2 Turn 12: Love Attack!

Funny episode, despite how most people seem to call it a filler. I don't agree; I think a lot of things are established in just one turn, and I appreciate that. Lelouch as a playboy is hilarious; and yes, he definitely isn't athletic. I love the bit about him getting Sayoko to attend his P.E. classes after that day. 

Oh noes; Shirley got her memory back. I'm very sure that's not a good thing...

Code Geass R2 Turn 11: The Power of Passion.

I can't figure out how Sayoko managed to play Lelouch, but it's hilarious. Hahaha! I didn't think you could duplicate Lelouch and keep his awesomeness intact. Yeah.

I still love XingkeTianzi. For real.

Code Geass R2 Turn 10: When Shen Hu Wins Glory.

Will it be wrong if I say that I’m all for TianziXingke now? Like, for real. I know that Tianzi is only thirteen (hell I thought she was only seven!) and Xingke is twenty-four, and that the relationship between them is somewhat… strange, but I do love them together. As Sumeragi says it, “It’s so romantic!”

Lloyd hiding behind Milly in the church was hilarious.

‘Nice to see Lelouch having a face-off with someone almost his equal. I don’t like him losing, but it was a fabulous play between him and Xingke.

Is it me or is C.C. jealous of Lelouch’s concern for Kallen’s safety?

How come Lelouch is in two different places at the same time? What’s happening? How could they have duplicated him in his full glory?! :P

Code Geass R2 Turn 9: A Bride in the Vermillion Forbidden City.

This episode didn’t have such a lot of fight scenes, but it won me over. I found it very, very delightful, indeed. :D

The KallenLelouch moments were funny; I’ve seen that somewhere in the Net before, but it made me grin nonetheless. Then I had to really laugh out loud when C.C. suddenly appeared out of nowhere and cut their conversation short. Ho-ho, that was hilarious; I had to watch it all over again and laugh.

How old exactly is Tianzi? She’s… what, seven? Goodness gracious, what are those Eunuch Generals thinking??? I know she’s an empress, but man… Worse, her fiancé looks like a dirty old geezer! How old is that first prince, anyway? Forty?!

I love the LloydMilly scenes. Hah, so it seems Milly is still engaged with Lloyd, huh. Awesome. I rather like them together.

Xing-Ke’s bond with Tianzi is so adorable. The promise is so sweet of him.

Can I just say that *shudders* Nina is still as psycho as she had been in the last season? Good grief, that creepy girl should be pushed off a building or something. Like, PRONTO. Her obsession with Euphemia is scary enough without her tirade against Milly. Milly has been perfectly kind to her, too; she’s just bitter she’s not as pretty and not as *normal* as Milly is. UGH. What a psycho.

And is Suzaku a MORON? He says, “This is another tragedy that Zero created” while he’s stopping Nina’s psychotic outburst. Duuude, Nina has been a nutcase since she was like, born. It’s not Zero’s fault, fool.

Surely, Zero won’t kill Tianzi? Tianzi is Sumeragi’s friend, and the last thing Zero would want is to displease Sumeragi. I just wish they’d give Xing-Ke and Tianzi a chance to talk and have time for themselves.

Code Geass R2 Turn 8: One Million Miracles.

I still can't figure out how they managed to make one million versions of the Zero outfit. Like... yeah. :P Otherwise, it was genius, and I can't believe some people can doubt Lelouch/Zero's capability at producing results. Hasn't he shown them enough already? Psh.

Even Suzaku had to shut up. Hah, showed that bastard who's boss.

Code Geass R2 Turn 7: The Abandoned Mask.

Is it wrong that I’m beginning to dislike Nunnally now? I don’t dislike her as much as I disliked Euphemia, but she’s starting her descent to that level, I’m not sure. I have a thing against characters with, uh, hearts of gold, simply because they’re not realistic. And dull, too, and annoying.

This turn is pretty boring for my taste, although I realize its necessity to highlight Lelouch’s emotions and yay character development. It shows that he’s still very human, despite the fact that he has the Geass now. What was his promise to C.C. in the first season again? That he won’t fall to the Geass. Personally, I think he’s doing really well at keeping that promise.

That he wanted to have a dose of Refrain is a bit overdone, though; I don’t think he’d be that desperate. (Although I don’t really know; I’m not carrying the burden of the world on my shoulders now, am I?)

The Lelouch-Rolo moment was a bit awkward; I feel that Rolo was standing a tad too close to his brother. Eh. I do like the fact that he’s getting jealous of the real sibling Nunnally; I just hope he doesn’t get too jealous, because that just won’t work.

I’m so thankful Kallen slapped the hell out of Lelouch. He deserves it so, me thinks.

Suzaku is fail at the natural sciences. How terribly embarrassing for him.

I sense that Lelouch is planning something. When doesn’t he anyway. :P

Code Geass R2 Turn 6: Operation Pacific Ocean Ambush.

Oh my God, but the utter genius of this turn literally makes me cry. I've never seen anything like it before! I doubt the word marvelous even begins to cover it, but it's really marvelously, beautifully done!

I thought it was really sweet of Rolo to have used Geass to help out Lelouch in such a crucial time like that. He's beginning to grow on me; what a sweet guy. Yeah, I guess I like him now. (He should just make sure he doesn't turn against Lelouch.)

Rakshata is so easygoing and yet so devious all the time; I like how she has long planned how things would be against the Lancelot. Having her always pwning Lloyd is too awesome to resist; actually, I like her more than I like Lloyd now. Yay for this machine genius. Woot. Lloyd is just fail against her, and it's so funny.

Kallen is pure win, too! Her loyalty to Zero is remarkable, but it's not too much to the point of being annoying to me. Overall I think she has developed into a likeable character who can kick ass, and of course, pilot the Guren efficiently.

I dislike that Anya person. I see neither personality nor depth in her.

Lelouch didn't have too many frames in this turn, but I guess it's just well, since it focused more on the fight. What I don't like is how Nunnally's character is turning out; does it mean she'll be against her own brother in this? It sucks that she doesn't know how much he's been doing for her sake; I guess she's never really realized how unsatisfied Lelouch is with how their lives have turned out. I hate it that she chose to be with Suzaku, but I hope she changes her mind soon. Seriously, I'm even crept out that I ever considered the SuzakuNunnally pairing before, as Suzaku is a hypocritical bastard who should never be with anyone whom Lelouch holds so dear.

Lelouch can be pretty annoying, too, sometimes. It's great how he's shown to still have feelings and not some crazed psycho who kills people for the heck of it; the proof of which can be seen in how much he values his sister, as well as his friends. It just frustrates me that he crumbles too easily; he's very intelligent and yet he can't keep his emotions bottled up so he can think straight. I know it can be argued that it's his sister that's of main concern here, but I think there could have been less dramatic (and more Lelouch-ish) manner through which they pulled off his sentiments like these.

Code Geass R2 Turn 5: Knight of Rounds.

To be very honest, I found the first half of the turn rather boring. Or is it because Suzaku just had to get some frames and waste my time? Huh. Anyway, it all picked up as soon as C.C. showed up for the - surprise! - giant pizza. Man she is unstoppable when it comes to pizza.

Can I just say that I dislike being introduced to new characters? I get it that they're supposed to make things more interesting, but those Anya and whoever else people bore, if not irritate, the hell out of me. I feel like Code Geass can proceed without needing too many of them. They don't look very interesting anyway.

I wonder what the weakness to Rolo's Geass is...

It was just hilarious when Lelouch put a paper bag over C.C.'s head. Hahaha! After that he pushes her into a truck full of tomatoes! It was too funny for me, especially since Lelouch did everything oh so casually; you'd have to give it to him for pulling those off without trouble.

Although... running just isn't his thing, which makes it doubly funny. How ironic that someone who can possibly take down the biggest empire in the world can't run after a cat. :P

So it's official that Rolo is on Lelouch's side. Great! I'm starting to like him for this!

Suzaku hasn't changed much; he's still an a-hole as he has always been. Someone bash him with a stone tablet already. Lelouch has to gather himself and pretend like he doesn't know Nunnally. He's supposed to have only a brother, right?

The end was such a cliffhanger. How cruel! Gotta watch the next episode. Like, now.

Code Geass R2 Turn 4: Counterattack at the Gallows.

I have to say, Lelouch Lamperouge must be a sort of Napoleon Bonaparte. Getting a cold-blooded assassin to listen to him? Hah; what charm must he have! :D

Someone get C.C. away from armaments. :P

I absolutely love how Lelouch used the tactic he had once used during the previous Black Rebellion; it shows how he knows that the Britannians haven't learned from their past mistake. Which is rather embarrassing for them, considering they should be well-informed about things like this. In any case, I found it hilarious when Lelouch suddenly went, "Now they've crossed our territory; kill 'em!" Now *that* was an excellent move. I don't even care that he lied flat-out to Guilford about fighting one-on-one, since a prince like him should break his promises in case the necessity arises. (Thank you, Machiavelli.) It was really just genius.

Rolo, Rolo. Hm, I'm not too sure about him; I really don't feel strongly for or against him. For now, he's just, well, there. It sucks for him that Lelouch will only be using him to get to Nunnally, but that's how it's supposed to go.

I know I shouldn't compare, but I was screaming "Light Yagami!" in my head when Lelouch started sweet-talking Rolo and saying stuff about their being brothers and all that glitz. It sounded pretty unLelouch to me, but very much Light Yagami indeed. Ah, evil geniuses. They're both so awesome.

Suzaku is going back to Ashford Academy. How curious. Even though I don't like him, I admit I look forward to how he and Lelouch would interact. Lelouch would make it very interesting, indeed, since he's playing the memory-less Lelouch Lamperouge.

Code Geass R2 Turn 3: Imprisoned in Campus.

Another amazing episode! I must admit, R2 is definitely more exciting than the first season. I love this one; it's so intense.

I was a bit confused when I thought it really was Lelouch in front of the camera, then I saw him in the gym with Viletta the next second. He threw me off guard, just like Rolo, and I had to squee like mad when I realized the trick. C.C. is a wonderful partner in crime, hahaha; Lelouch must be so thankful he has her with him. :D

I don't find Rolo's character too difficult to figure out, based on this episode. It seems to me like he really wants to have a brother, whether it's Lelouch or someone else. It actually appears like he's grown rather fond of Lelouch, and the way he reacted when his brother was about to take away the locket was a giveaway. I'm thinking he grew up alone - most probably an orphan who yearns for a family. All right, maybe not orphan, since it appears he doesn't have a birthday. :O (But I'll leave it at that for now.) I can't find it in myself to dislike him at this point, but I'll see in the next turns.

I love the trick that Lelouch pulled off when he made his way out of the boutique. It gave me the same feeling that I had when it was Light Yagami (from Death Note) figuring his way out of trouble that was Misora Naomi/Ray Penbar/L Lawliet/etc. Creating discord like that was absolutely genius; it made me smile and grin and, well, squee for him.

Kallen is pretty funny, too. I really like her now. And I hope I don't change my mind soon.

I love this turn, but at the same time I hate it because it ended in a cliffhanger. I have school tomorrow; I can't keep watching! D: