Bits and Pieces.

My Places.
Lingering Dream

Status: Bored and restless.
Watching: Kuroshitsuji II.
Reading: Viewfinder Series by Yamane Ayano.
Currently into: Claude x Alois, Asami x Takaba, Sebastian x Ciel, Charles x Van.


I'm Hilaire and this Blogger account is for my writings, and my e-life in general. My posts will include updates about my fan fictions, my original characters and their profiles, my sudden flashes of genius, my muses, etc.

I'll also make posts about the anime, manga, fan fictions, and all other things that I find particularly interesting.

At present, I'm working as a beta-reader of one of my favorite fics. :D


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Code Geass R2 Turn 23: Schneizel's Mask.

Yes! Finally! I thought Lelouch would falter again just because they showed him Nunnally! Well hah! He showed them! And thank gracious for Suzaku! For once in his life he said something right! It was intense, and for the first time in my life I think I actually love Suzaku in this one! Hurrah! (But only in this one. I still hate him in general. And he looks horrible wearing that cape thing.)

I have no idea why Nunnally is alive. She doesn’t have a purpose anymore; anyone can frickin’ detonate the Fleia anyway. I don’t understand why she sides with Schneizel instead of Lelouch, the brother who has always been with her. She’s another big hypocrite; she doesn’t like killing people and yet she’s okay with killing her own brother. Isn’t there something obviously wrong in her logic? And don’t I remember her having a special technique of holding people’s hands and determining whether they’re lying to her or not through this? Why didn’t she do this to determine if Schneizel was lying to her or not about the Fleia and the Pendragon incident? Gosh, what an idiot.

Just drop dead, Nunnally. You are such a bother.

Here’s another first: I actually like Nina in this turn! Finally, she realized her stupid blunder and got to work and start doing something about the Fleia! I just hope she manages to come up with something to counter that very very dangerous weapon.

For the record, fuck the Black Knights. I hate them with passion for being idiots. Big frickin’ idiots at that. They don’t realize that if it weren’t for Zero/Lelouch, they never would have been organized the way they are right now. Kallen is earning my dislike, although none too much, and I just hate how Gino chose the side against Suzaku in this. (Did I just say that? Shoot.)

What I like most about this turn is how the people who were once Lelouch’s enemies are now his allies (Lloyd, Cecile, Nina, Jeremiah, Suzaku, etc) while those who used to be his allies are now his enemies (Kallen, Rakshata, Xingke, the Black Knights, etc). I find myself cheering for these new allies while disliking the Black Knights more and more.

I love how the LelouchC.C. pairing is developing; I’ve always been a fan of it, and I love that C.C. is the only one who is with Lelouch to the end. They really make a very beautiful pair.

I love pun: Knight of Zero. Knight of Seven, Knight of One, and above all of it is the Knight of Zero. Absolutely genius. If they had been gunning for that since the very beginning of the series, well they pulled it off really well. I find it very clever.