Bits and Pieces.

My Places.
Lingering Dream

Status: Bored and restless.
Watching: Kuroshitsuji II.
Reading: Viewfinder Series by Yamane Ayano.
Currently into: Claude x Alois, Asami x Takaba, Sebastian x Ciel, Charles x Van.


I'm Hilaire and this Blogger account is for my writings, and my e-life in general. My posts will include updates about my fan fictions, my original characters and their profiles, my sudden flashes of genius, my muses, etc.

I'll also make posts about the anime, manga, fan fictions, and all other things that I find particularly interesting.

At present, I'm working as a beta-reader of one of my favorite fics. :D


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Code Geass R2 Turn 24: The Grip of Damocles.

Oh, but I absolutely love this turn! We get to see Lelouch’s genius at play again! Hooray! I didn’t think Schneizel would be Geassed, but that was a good twist! Schneizel got pwned, oh yeah. Not beats that.

And I still like – okay, love Suzaku at this point. I just hope he keeps that up until the end. His character is already bad enough without pulling off another betrayal. And, for the first time, I hope he will pwn Kallen and Gino – those two are getting on my nerves. Seriously. And Kallen interrupted the LelouchC.C. moment! Damn you; who the hell do you think you are???

The suspense is killing me, but I’ll finish the series tomorrow. I have a feeling that the ending will make me cry, and I don’t want anyone disturbing me in the middle of that. (Plus, I badly need to buy some chips to munch on while I watch.)

I haaaaate Nunnally! Hate her with burning passion! She should die, that stupid bitch. Someone please kill her. For me and Lelouch and the happiness of everyone who loves Code Geass.