Bits and Pieces.

My Places.
Lingering Dream

Status: Bored and restless.
Watching: Kuroshitsuji II.
Reading: Viewfinder Series by Yamane Ayano.
Currently into: Claude x Alois, Asami x Takaba, Sebastian x Ciel, Charles x Van.


I'm Hilaire and this Blogger account is for my writings, and my e-life in general. My posts will include updates about my fan fictions, my original characters and their profiles, my sudden flashes of genius, my muses, etc.

I'll also make posts about the anime, manga, fan fictions, and all other things that I find particularly interesting.

At present, I'm working as a beta-reader of one of my favorite fics. :D


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Plums and Lemons » Snippet #08 : Promise.

I was so inspired to write that I finished this in my scratch paper.

A collection of snippets about Narumi.

Narumi didn't make a promise he didn't intend to keep.

Category: Anime/Manga » Gakuen Alice.
Title: Plums and Lemons » Snippet #08 : Promise.
Characters: Narumi, and a young lady of sixteen.
Genre: General.
Rating: K+.
Status: Complete.

For the record, the young lady is not Yuka, or whoever that person everyone keeps talking about in their reviews. Let's be clear: I don't read the manga, so I can't make allusions to that.

For those who are curious, I was thinking only one character while writing, and that's the same character in my Mischief Equals Mayhem. (I mentioned specifics, like the color of the eyes. as well as the six-year age gap.) Although, I'm giving everyone the liberty to imagine the young woman to be whoever they want. Hey, we don't know what happened to Narumi at twenty-two, do we? (Or at least I don't, haha; I don't know what the manga says about it, if it does.)

Regardless, who she is ain't the point; the promise and Narumi's mind-set about it is.

I simply don't think Narumi is one who breaks promises, or even makes those he can't keep. Because he's awesome like that.